Paige Snelgro
Visiting Assistant Professor of the Practice of Law
Lawyering Process
Professional Biography
Professor Paige L. Snelgro is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Practice and is teaching Lawyering Process for the 2023-2024 academic year. She currently holds an appointment at the University of Florida Levin College of Law where she teaches Family Law, Pre-Trial & Trial Practice, and Legal Writing.
Professor Snelgro began her career as a legal educator in 2017 at Florida A&M University College of Law where she served as an Academic Advisor and a Legal Writing Professor. Prior to joining the Legal Academy, Professor Snelgro practiced law for several years in Central Florida. Her practice focused primarily on Family Law, but she also handled Probate, Estate Planning, and Real Estate matters. Her cases required her to appear in court, draft a variety of pleadings, motions, and other documents, and interact with clients, attorneys, and judges, on a frequent basis.
She is active in the Legal Writing community and has served on committees for LWI and ALWD and has presented at an LWI One-Day Workshop. Her scholarship interests and publications concentrate on effective teaching and pedagogy through law school and practice; she has a current work-in-progress that explores giving and receiving effective feedback among students, attorneys, and judges.
When she is not teaching, Professor Snelgro enjoys spending time with her dogs, taking dance classes, and attending Denver Nuggets games with her husband.
J.D. Florida A&M University College of Law
B.A. Colgate University