
Roberto Corrada

Professor of Law

Mulligan Burleson Chair in Modern Learning


Administrative Law, Contracts, Employment and Labor Law, Workplace Law

Professional Biography

Roberto Corrada has devoted his scholarly attention to three primary areas: the rights of ethnic and sexual minorities; the public/private distinction in labor and employment law; and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He has published articles on these subjects in the Wake Forest Law Review, the Cincinnati Law Review, the Houston Law Review, the Miami Law Review, the Catholic University Law Review, the Berkley Journal of Labor & Employment Law; and the Journal of Legal Education, among others. In addition, Corrada has published casebooks in administrative law and employment discrimination law. A distinguished teacher, Corrada has been recognized for his innovative work in the classroom. In 2000, he was selected as national Carnegie scholar for his active and collaborative learning efforts in his labor law classroom. In 2002, he was named University of Denver College of Law Donald & Susan Sturm Professor for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.He has won the University of Denver Distinguished Teaching Award and has been recognized as a DU Law Star. For 20+ years, Corrada has been extensively involved in service work with local and national institutions. In 1998, he was chairman of the board of the ACLU of Colorado. In 2002, he served as chair of the Association of American Law Schools Labor & Employment Relations Section. From 2000 – 2010, he served as secretary of the Latino/a Critical Legal Theory Association. In 2007, he helped form the Denver Urban Debate League, which he currently co-chairs.

"Greene: Signs were Max’s anchor" February 12, 2009: Denver Post Columnist Susan Greene writes about Max Corrada, Professor Roberto Corrada’s son who passed away on January 25, 2009. Read the article and watch the video here.

View CV


  • JD, Catholic University of America (Columbus School of Law), 1985
  • BA, Political Science/Speech Communications, The George Washington University, 1982

Featured Publications

  • EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS ON EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE (10th edition, Thomson-Reuters 2020) (with Maria Ontiveros, Michael Selmi, Nicole Porter and Marcia McCormick).
  • Northwestern Football Case Essay, Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law, forthcoming (fall 2019).
  • Reflections of a “Pitiyanqui”: My History with LatCrit, Seattle Law Review, forthcoming 2018.
  • A Memorial to Chris Fairman, Symposium to Honor Associate Dean Christopher Fairman, Ohio St. J. Disp. Resol., forthcoming 2018.
  • Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace (and Teacher’s Manual)(Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, Martin Malin, Roberto L. Corrada, Christopher Cameron-Ruiz, and Catherine Fisk) (3rd edition, Thomson-West Publishing: forthcoming fall 2018).
  • Administrative Law: A Casebook (and Teacher’s Manual)(Bernard Schwartz, Roberto L. Corrada, Jay Brown, and Jessica West)(9th edition, Aspen Law & Business/Wolters Kluwer: 2018).
  • Colorado Employment Law & Practice (with T. Corrada) (3rd ed., 2018: Thomson-West).
  • Colorado Employment Law and Practice, co-authored with Theresa Corrada, 3rd edition, Thomson Reuters (2017).
  • Ill-Structured Simulations in Two American Law School Classes: Labor Law and Administrative Law, Legal Education, Simulation in Theory and Practice, Chapter 12 (Ashgate Publishing) (2014).
  • International Encyclopaedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations, co-authored with Alvin Goldman, United States of America volume (Wolters Kluwer International) (2014).
  • Formative Assessment in Doctrinal Law Classes: Rethinking Grade Appeals, 63 Journal of Legal Education, Issue 2 (November 2013).
  • Administrative Law: A Casebook, co-authored with with Jay Brown and Bernard Schwartz, 8th edition, Wolters Kluwer (December 2013).
  • Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace, co-authored with Kenneth Dau-Schmidt, Martin Malin, Christopher Cameron and Catherine Fisk, 2nd edition, West Publishers (forthcoming December 2013).
  • 2012 Update for Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace, co-authored with enneth Dau-Schmidt, Martin Malin, Christopher Cameron-Ruiz and Catherine Fisk, Thomson West (August 2012).
  • 2012 Update for Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace, co-authored with Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros, Michael Selmi and Melissa Hart, American Casebook Series, Thomson West (August 2012).
  • Ricci’s Dicta: Signaling A New Standard for Affirmative Action Under Title VII?, 46 Wake Forest L. Rev. 241 (2011).
  • Synecdochic Perils and Opportunities for Latina/os in the Academy, 14 Harvard Latino Law Review 257 (2011).
  • Administrative Law: A Casebook, co-authored with Bernard Schwartz & Jay Brown (7th ed. 2010, Aspen Law & Business).
  • Employment Discrimination Law: Cases And Materials On Equality In The Workplace, co-authored with Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros, Michael Selmi & Melissa Hart (8th edition, Thomson-Reuters, 2010).
  • Toward an Integrated Disparate Treatment and Accommodation Framework for Title VII Religion Cases, 77 University of Cincinnati Law Review 1411 (2009).
  • Teachers Manual for Labor Law in the Contemporary Workplace, co-authored with Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Martin H. Malin, Christopher David Ruiz Cameron, and Catherine L. Fisk, Thomson-West Publishing 2009.
  • Working Group on Chapter 4 of the Proposed Restatement of Employment Law: The Tort of Wrongful Discipline in Violation of Public Policy, co-authored with Joseph R. Grodin, Paul M. Secunda, Richard A. Bales, Catherine L. Fisk, and Pauline T. Kim, 13 EMP. RTS. & EMPLY. POL’Y J. 159 (2009).
  • 2009 Casebook Supplement for EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS ON EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE, co-authored with Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros, and Michael Selmi, August, 2009.
  • United States Labor and Employment Law, co-authored with Alvin Goldman, VOLUME 5 (590 pp.) in INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW (Roger Blanpain, ed.)(Kluwer International: 2009).
  • 2008 Casebook Supplement for EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS ON EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE, co-authored with Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros, and Michael Selmi (July, 2008).
  • 2006 Casebook Supplement for EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS ON EQUALITY IN THE WORKPLACE, co-authored with Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros, and Michael Selmi (July, 2006).
  • ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: A CASEBOOK (and Teacher’s Manual), co-authored with Bernard Schwartz & Jay Brown, 6th ed. 2006, Aspen Law & Business.
  • Introduction: Toward an Ethic of Teaching: Class, Race, and a Pedagogy of Community Engagement, Villanova Law Review, 50 Villanova Law Review 837 (2005).
  • Toward an Ethic of Teaching: Class, Race and the Promise of Community Engagement, 50 Vill. L. Rev. 837 Villanova Law Review 2005.
  • Employment Discrimination Law: Cases And Materials on Equality in the Workplace (Robert Belton, Dianne Avery, Maria Ontiveros & Roberto Corrada (7th edition, West Publishing: 2004).
  • Update, Fall 2004, Administrative Law: A Casebook (Bernard Schwartz & Roberto Corrada, 5th ed.). (2004).
  • Osmotic Borders: Thinking Locally, Thinking Globally About the Causes and Effects of Labor Migration, 13 Berkeley Law Raza Law Journal 311 (2003).
  • The Supreme Court and Title VII's Religion Provision, Liberty Magazine (Seventh Day Adventists' Magazine) January/February 2003.
  • Comment on The Ethics of Comparison: A Statistician Wrestles with the Orthodoxy of a Control Group, by John P. Holcomb, Jr., in Ethics of Inquiry: Issues in the Scholarship Of Teaching And Learning (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: 2002).
  • Using Technology to Support Active Learning in a Labor Law Classroom, in WAYFARER: CHARTING ADVANCES IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES COMPUTING (CD-Rom, University of Illinois Press: 2002).
  • Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Law Schools Section on Law and Religion: Religion in the Workplace, 4 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 89 (2000).
  • Familiar Connections: A Personal Re/View of Latino/a Identity, Gender, and Class Issues in the Context of the Labor Dispute Between Sprint and La Conexion Familiar, 53 U. Miami L. Rev. 1065 University of Miami Law Review July, 1999.
  • The Arbitral Imperative iIn Labor and Employment Law, 47 Cath. U. L. Rev. 919 Catholic University Law Review Spring 1998 Taft-Hartley Symposium: The First Fifty Years.
  • Claiming Private Law for the Left: Exploring Gilmer's Impact and Legacy, 73 Denv. U. L. Rev. 1051 Denver University Law Review 1996 Labor/Employment Law.
  • Religious Accommodation and the National Labor Relations Act, 17 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 185 Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law 1996.
  • A Simulation of Union Organizing in a Labor Law Class, 46 J. Legal Educ. 445 Journal of Legal Education September, 1996 Development.
  • Justifying A Search for s Unifying Theory of Unconstitutional Conditions, 72 Denv. U. L. Rev. 1011 Denver University Law Review 1995 Symposium.
  • Of Heterosexism, National Security, and Federal Preemption: Addressing the Legal Obstacles to a Free Debate About Military Recruitment at Our Nation's Law Schools, 29 Hous. L. Rev. 301 Houston Law Review Summer, 1992.
  • Director, Office of Workers' Compensation Programs v. Perini North River Associates: Judicial Dilution of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act's `Status' Requirement, 33 Catholic University Law Review 245 (1983), reprinted in 1984 National Insurance Law Review 163 (Spring 1984).
  • Teaching a Hybrid Administrative Law Simulation Class Using Jurassic Park, U Denver Legal Studies Research Paper No. 21-02.